Terms & Conditions

These terms of use govern your use of our site. Please read these terms in full before you use this Website. If you do not accept these terms of use, please do not use this Website. Your continued use of this site confirms your acceptance of these terms.

Website Access

1.1 It is not necessary to register with us in order to use most parts of this Website. [However, particular areas of this Website will only be accessible only if you have registered.]


1.2 This Website may be used for your own private purposes and in accordance with these terms of use.

1.3 You may print and download material from this Website provided that you do not modify or reproduce any content without our prior written consent.


1.4 All reasonable measures are taken by us to ensure that this Website is operational all day, every day. However, occasionally technical issues may result in some downtime and accordingly we will not be liable if this website is unavailable at any time.